Analysis of Urban Transformation Processes: Part 2 - Python and Volunteered Geographic Information

About This Course
The course explores the integration of Python with Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) for spatial data analysis and geospatial insights. It covers key methodologies, tools, and datasets to leverage VGI in diverse applications. Participants will gain hands-on experience with:
- Building Development and Extraction: Utilizing the ohsome API to extract and analyze building data from publicly available sources like OpenStreetMap.
- Population and Amenity Analysis: Combining OpenStreetMap amenities data with population data from Google Earth Engine (GEE) to generate new insights through publicly available datasets.
- Road Network Analysis: Employing the osmnx API for analyzing road networks and performing basic area calculations using geospatial data.
Intermediate, Advanced
Basic knowledge of Python, Basic knowledge of digital image processing and Geographic Information Systems
Subject Area
What You Will Learn
- Setting up Your Workspace
- OHSOME Building Development
- OHSOME Buildings Extraction
- Assessing Flood Damage
- Combining OSM Amenities and GEE Population Data
- osmnx Network Analysis
- osmnx Buildings and Roads
The future is urban, the data is smart by Andreas Rienow, Lars Tum